
MT.Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD above the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.  The volcano had a cloud of stone, ash, and fumes to a height of  20.5 miles up.  About 16,000 people died due to the eruption.  The volcano has erupted several more times starting with the first century  all the way to the 20th century, and it hasn’t erupted since 1944.  It started  on March 18th, and went on for 2 weeks.  The highest  the smoke and ash went was 1,000  feet  up.  The 1944 eruption ended on March 29th, 1944.  Mt.Vesuvius is one of the most famous volcano’s in history.


One day three friends were walking in the forest looking for one of their friends. While they were walking, a ferocious fox walked up and kidnapped them. Bob, the bear, was always hungry and he was trying to eat himself out. Fred, the koala, was making the fox laugh. George, the skunk, was trying to make him faint with his stink. Then Bob called another one of their friends, Dave, to come rescue them. Next Dave came out of his hole and started to see where they were going. He found the fox laying outside a really big mud puddle. Then he was trying to think of something to do. He thought of getting a poison bottle and make him fall asleep. Next he went to get some poison. Then he went up to him and made him fall asleep. Then he grabbed his friends, but he was almost too late because right when he started running he woke up. The fox started chasing them, but Bob stopped grabbed the fox and ate him.

They lived happily ever after because they knew they would never see the fox again.

The End





Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman was a famous leader that freed slaves who wanted to be free. One example is that she had a lot of confidence. A way that she had confidence was that she knew that she was going to run away one day. Another example is that she was a really good hero. She was a good hero because she freed herself and hundreds of other slaves to safety. Another reason is that she was hard-working. She was hard-working as a slave, so she would not get whipped or killed. The last reason is that she was so determined that she never gave up on her dream of freedom.