5’th grade

The thing I like most about 5’th grade is that we are on the top of the intermediate.  I also like that when we do stuff right he tells us  and we get extra recess.  In fourth grade we didn’t use computers a lot for our work, but this year most of the time we’re on computers.  I can’t wait until the end of the year because if we pass the STARR test we get to go to middle school.

Happy Mothers Day

My mom is special to me because she loves me a lot.  Another reason is because she is always there for me.  The best reason is that even when I’m mad at her she will still love me. She always cooks and does a lot of other things.  She also gives the best advise for me.  Another reason is because she takes me every where I need to go.  I will always remember how she is special and that I need to pay her back.Screen Shot 2014-05-05 at 9.56.26 AM

Row Your Site

One thing I like about emu’s is that they are the second largest animal that can’t fly. Emu’s live in Austalia. They only need leaves ,grass,and bark to make a nest. They are scared of eagles,dingoes,and foxes.

This information was from http//www.facts4me.com.

The prank

One night when I was asleep I heard something from under the bed. It sounded like two monsters,and one asked,”Is he the one.”When I heard it I was so scared. After that happened I got up and ran to my mom. Next when I got there and told her,she thought I was making things up. Then I went back to my room and looked under the bed. After that I saw that it was my friends!! When I found out,we all started laughing . After all that, we ate pizza and my friends went home. My friends felt like they were on top of the world.