How Volcanos Form

Volcanoes form inside the earth between the molten iron core and the thin crust there is a solid body of rock  called the mantle.  When the rock from the mantle melts,  moves to the surface through the crust,and releases pent-up gases , volcano’s erupt.  Really high temperatures cause the rock to melt ad become liquid rock or magma.  Magma that reaches the surface is called lava .  Magma can push up under the middle of  a lithosphere plate.   A lithosphere is the solid outermost shell of a rocky planet.  A plate is part of the earth’s crust that has breaks deep in the rocks.  Volcanic activity is caused by unusually hot mantle material forming in the lower mantle and pushing up into the upper mantle.  The hot mantle material then gets pushed into the cracks of the Earth’s crust which forms a volcano.  Volcanoes can be really fierce because of the pressure and heat from the volcano.




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